
Are Indian Casinos Good or Evil for Native Americans?

indians in America

When American Indians were able to open casinos on their territories, many tribes got a variety of advantages and benefits from the profitable business. With the proceeds, they improved the economic situation and the social sphere. They sent their children to good schools and opened new hospitals.

At the same time, this activity could not cause discontent among the indigenous inhabitants of the continent and the authorities of the several States which are competitors in the gambling business. Moreover, there was criticism of the Indians' gambling from public and cultural figures who saw this as a threat to many Native Americans.

Let's find out whether the Indian communities' casinos are good or evil. We will weigh their "pros" and "cons".

Pros of Native Americans' Casinos

Let's first talk about the pros.

  • Profit. Of course, the main pro of tribal gambling is a solid profit. In total, it is already tens of billions of dollars per year. The money must be spent on education, social and charitable sectors by law. So it is used for financing schools, hospitals, police, and other community agencies.
  • Jobs. The casinos gave work to many Indians who worked as dealers, pit bosses, security guards, waiters, etc. Besides, gambling stimulates the development of other industries where employees are also required.
  • National pride and cultural development. Opinion polls show that the development of casinos in Indian reservations makes them more proud of belonging to their tribes. When there is no need to fight poverty every day, they are more involved in organizing cultural events and programs.
  • Infrastructure. As we mentioned above, the proceeds of gambling allow people to improve infrastructure in settlements that are home to the community. The purchasing power of locals increased, thereby more shops, entertainment venues, restaurants, etc.

As you can see, the number of advantages is more than enough, and they are all significant.

Benefits of Native Americans' casino

Cons of Native Americans' Casinos

Now, let's turn to the shortcomings pointed out by the opponents of such casinos.

  • Corruption. The development of casinos has increased levels of corruption among community leaders. Periodically there are scandals involving alleged misuse of revenues, bribes, unfair provision of posts, and others.
  • Dependence. Previously, fighters for the rights of the indigenous American population complained that the tribes driven into reservations could not do anything without government approval. Now they say about the same complete financial dependence on the casinos, which are entirely contrary to traditional values the Indians have had for centuries.
  • Flaws. Casino opponents argue that working in such establishments (not to mention playing in them) develops excessive materialism and pushes Indians to alcoholism and drug addiction. There are also frequent causes of gambling among indigenous people. We can also not forget that in the poorest communities not involved in gambling, alcoholism is much higher.
  • Crimes. Many people also try to relate the casinos to the growing number of crimes.

In general, they have pretty convincing arguments.


Most Indian casinos do not like the state governments with reservations from gambling establishments. Almost all states are engaged in this business, so their leaders try to use all methods to fight against redskins competitors.

They are trying to cut back on their financial capacity, forced to pay taxes, or even subdue. Some lawsuits concerning this sphere last for years, and politicians try to use this subject before every election.

It is safe to say that the Indians opening their casinos will not be alone in the coming years.

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