
Random Number Generators in Online Casinos

dice in craps

Many new online casino customers are interested in how online blackjack cards are defined, the combination on the reels, video pokie numbers on the roulette wheel is formed, and so on. A random number generator determines the results of all drawings (if they're honest). We will try to clarify what that is and how it works.

General Description of RNGs

When a user makes a bet in poker or blackjack (it does not matter what kind of game), he does not get cards from the deck (even virtual). Nobody shuffles it, runs the ball on the roulette, and throws dice in craps. All these actions are simulated by a computer program (except for games with live croupiers that are gaining popularity).

Of course, the results must be completely unpredictable. Otherwise, it would be impossible to guarantee the game's fairness. For these purposes, the program uses a component called a random number generator (RNG).

When a customer clicks on the button starting the game, the RNG is activated, and it determines, roughly speaking, the number associated with a particular action. For example, it may be the ace of spades in blackjack or zero on the roulette wheel. Next, the program visualizes the result on the screen and shows this ace or zero.

Now, let's take a closer look at the operation of the RNG.

Frankly, the term "random number generator" is not entirely accurate. The process of determining the number is based on a specific algorithm, so it is not random.

However, current algorithms are so complex that determining the principle of their operation is almost impossible. Anyway, the largest software producers for casinos carefully test RNGs and invite independent experts to check them.

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Auditors of RNGs

Later, when the game comes to the casino, reputable casinos cooperate with the audit organizations that monitor the reliability of the RNG.

The results of their inspections are usually publicly available so that players can ensure everything is fair. For example, the company has been testing eCOGRA games during the month, submitting reports with fixed payments by category of games, and confirming that the generator is working correctly.

It should be added that the game manufacturers do not allow casinos to change the operating principles of the RNG. All adjustments are related to design and the range of bets in the games, but the generator remains unchanged. This way, they can claim the integrity and reliability of their products.

How to Hack RNGs at Online Casinos

Finally, we want to warn you about the massive number of scammers selling programs on the Internet, supposedly interpreting the results of this RNG and helping to win. Frankly, none of us found a truly working tool of this kind.

Just turn on the logic:

Even if someone can create such a program, would they sell the goose that lays the golden eggs, or even risk their creation, betraying it to public?

So be smart and remember about the free cheese.

Frequently asked Questions

🎰 What are random number generator in casinos?

RNG (Random Number Generator) is a highly complex algorithm for generating unpredictable results in various online casino games. 

👌 Do all online casinos use random number generators?

All internet casinos use RNG-based games. The only exception is the live dealer games. 

👎 Is it possible to hack a random number generator at online casinos?

Theoretically, it is possible, but practically, it is hardly achievable. 

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