
Dislike for casinos: Causes and argumentation

Before going directly to the nature of the issue, we want to warn readers that in this article (as in any other publication at Casinoz) we are not going to submit a casino in the most favorable light and agitate you to start playing for money.

Our goal is to find out why this business is often subjected to harassment by the authorities, as well as social, political and religious organizations. Let's find out how justified are the claims that are put forward, whether gambling can be useful to the state or not and how dangerous it is for people of different ages and social standing.

Why appears a dislike?

No matter how sad it is to realize that our position on a particular issue is almost always imposed on us by society in the broadest sense of this term. We are willing to tolerate more or less legal sins, but we feel hostile towards everything that in our country has been unacceptable for a long period of time. For example, alcohol is a real scourge of many Slavic countries, but its consumption forms a part of the cultural tradition, without which many can not imagine life. And some less harmful vices (we will not mention them to avoid being suspected in propaganda) in the eyes of the conservative population are considered almost worthy of the death penalty.

Stop the Casino

Many people have inherited a dislike of the casino from their parents. On the territory of the ex-Soviet Union such establishments were absent. Several generations of people have grown for whom gambling houses are one of the components of the "decadent West". They do not even want to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the phenomenon. It is much easier to deny it, although they do not see the problem in buying a lottery ticket or scratch card at a street stall, because this form of entertainment is familiar to them.

The significant role in creating a negative image of gambling is played by religious organizations. Most faiths consider gambling as a vice. Naturally, their representatives are fighting with them, showing various degrees of hard. Thus, it is very difficult to find a casino in countries with powerful religious organizations, which are involved in the administration of the state. And if such institutions are open, the entrance to them for locals is prohibited, and mostly tourists visit them.

Three stop signs appeared on the slot

We should not also forget about politicians. Many of them, feeling certain moods in society, make the fight against gambling one of the key points of their election programs. For example, several years ago in one of the post-Soviet states the well-known "woman with braided hair" surprisingly sharply started hating casinos and declared them a "holy war". The leading characters of her party began to denounce everywhere evils of gambling, although the day before many of them had been regular customers of large establishments of this kind (and some of them have remained visitors of casinos to this day).

As a result, casinos are officially closed. Budget is losing considerable earnings, and fans of such entertainment have nothing in return. Is it any wonder that underground gambling starts developing with new forces, and the pockets of officials who support it become even more swollen from bribes? So aversion of society to gambling is only intensified. And the question may arise: was it better to organize it than simply ban it?

By the way, the lack of strict state control only worsens the situation in the business and reinforces the negative attitude of the population. It's not a secret that casinos usually attract criminals, as a magnet attracts paper clips. Illegal casinos are always full of suspicious people, who cause a lot of problems. On the other hand, the presence of respectful institutions operating without violations of the law, rarely scandalize citizens (ask the residents of Monte Carlo and London).

Monte Carlo Casino

Finally we are going to mention such a factor as one-sided (or false) coverage of this topic in the media. Let's start with the fact that casinos are becoming interesting to newspapers and TV only in cases where there is something really "interesting". For example, if someone is killed at the table, if some gang violence occurs in the hall, if the robbers clean out the cash, and so on. It turns out that ordinary people only hear the bad news related to gambling establishments. All this helps gradually forming a negative impression on gambling in their minds.

As you can see, it is possible to find lots of reasons to dislike casinos, if you do not strive for the objectivity.

What is a casino?

In fact, any gambling club is only an entertainment establishment, offering a range of services. If it operates fairly, in accordance with local laws, no claims should be for it. But if it breaks any rules, the owners should have responsibility for that.

In this case, the organizers should not be blamed that players leave at the tables more money than they can afford. Gluttony is eventually one of the deadly sins in Christianity, but no one closes restaurants due to the fact that some of their visitors eat a kilogram of meat and pastry.

The player loses the last money in the slot machine

It should not also be forgotten that it is a business. Gambling is not a charity. Opening casinos, the organizers expect to earn. Almost all the games include the so-called house edge, expressed in a certain percentage. We have repeatedly told our readers about this parameter in other articles, so we will not repeat this material. If you think that this is unfair, just do not go to casinos. But then do not buy scratch cards, because in them this parameter is much higher.

Therefore, the loss of the money can be viewed as a fee for services and enjoyment. This is the most suitable approach.

Does it make sense to prohibit gambling?

Probably gambling is not the most commendable entertainment. But it happened so that in the history of mankind time and places for gambling were always available. Ask the older generation how it was in the time of the Soviet Union, when casinos in the country were not even discussed. You'd be surprised by the variety of illegal ways that flourished in those days. And they did not differ from modern gambling houses.

Thus, prohibiting the casino, the state encourages people to quench their thirst for excitement in unacceptable conditions, which contributes to the development of an underground gambling and finally deprives the state of considerable revenues and a significant number of jobs.

Modern gaming industry has many examples of very reasonable organization of the business. In particular, we can mention the Indian casinos, which operate in the reservations in North America. According to the law, the income from them goes to the social needs of tribes. Community members get the job. Institutions contribute to the development of infrastructure. Children have the opportunity to study in decent universities, the old people can enjoy free medical care, receive benefits and so on.

PAF Live Casino

Such a scheme is implemented in Finland. For example, the offline and online PAF Casino with betting, poker room, bingo hall and other forms of entertainment is worth noting. It belongs to the state and all revenues are redirected for public needs.

Our readers probably agree that these solutions of the problem are very good and they could be implemented in many post-Soviet states.

How should I treat a casino?

Now let's discuss how people should perceive gambling establishments to avoid being disappointed visiting them. First of all, you should not treat a casino as a job. Only some professional players succeed in making gambling more or less stable source of income. It's a hard work that requires serious preparation, a lot of time, money and imposing compliance with a number of additional conditions.

Moreover, professionals do not have pleasure while playing. They use a pre-thought-out plan, not allowing themselves to deviate from the elaborated strategy. They do not always stay in the black. Their life is full of stress and health problems. So this job looks beautiful and carefree only in movies.

Roulette Banknote Dice

However gambling should be started only after some training. Take the time to read the articles (for example, at Casinoz), written by experienced experts. They will help you to avoid stupid mistakes and allow maximizing the probability of a positive outcome.

At first, you have to choose games where the nothing directly depends on the user. This may be a classic European Roulette or video slots. Mistake in them can be made only with the choice of a bet size. So players should rely on the benevolence of fortune.

Do not forget to study the basic terms. Learn how to properly dispose of bankroll: set limits on the basis of opportunities, choose the bet and so on. Also, you should be able to choose the most profitable varieties of games. In short, do not be lazy to prepare a little bit.

Be sure to find out what is gambling addiction. You should think that you are not threatened. People exclusively self-collected in work and life become victims of ludomania. You should be able to recognize the first signs of it. As soon as you notice them, immediately stop playing.

Articles on the portal Casinoz will help you with all this. They deal with all matters pertaining to gambling in any form.


As a conclusion we repeat: we do not encourage you to go to the casino. If your soul does not require passion, quietly enjoy your life without it. However think carefully each time when you are going to speak for or against gambling. The situation with it is not as simple as it might seem at the first glance.

If this industry is correctly organized, it can certainly be incredibly useful to the state. On the other hand, the lack of control in this area will inevitably lead to an increase in crime, in the number of gamblers and other troubles. In short, be reasonable! Good luck!

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