
Gaming addiction

So much is said about gambling addiction that sometimes ranks of those affected by it have almost all casino patrons. On the other hand, many people actually experience it and can not assess the situation and recognize the problem. In this article on Casinoz we will analyze the gambling addiction to help our readers understand themselves in this matter.

Compulsive gambling is reflected in inadequate behavior of a player, when they can not even hold a negative impact. People with other addictions (alcohol, drugs, and so on) act in similar way.


We should note that not all players who dedicate too much time to this hobby are addicts. There are several types of players, and a pathological addiction to the game is characterized by several features:

  • Complete absorption in the game.
  • Inability to control yourself during the game.
  • Inability to stop the game.
  • Negative consequences of the game (problems in the family, at work, and so on).
  • Financial problems due to gambling.

The attitude of gamblers to money is also important. Money is hardly the central goal in the process of gambling. Like all people, gamers realize that it gives freedom, safety, comfort, and even power. However they lose awareness that the game can deprive them of it all, making them totally bankrupt.

They refuse to understand that all casino games have percentage advantage that tips the scales in favor of the casino. Gameplay becomes their primary goal, and the money is only a means for the game, so if they even have a big win, they tend to lose it quickly.


A person can become a victim of gambling addiction is not only in a casino or slot machine hall. It can also be inspired by poker card games, bet on sports, lotteries, bingo, scratch cards and more.

Perceptual distortions

Overall, the game for money is quite unstable, unreliable and inefficient way to earn money. To overcome the house edge percentage you need a great knowledge, extensive experience and strong nerves. However suffering from addiction players perceive the situation not adequately. Their thinking is distorted as follows.

  • They may believe that the outcome of the cards, numbers on the roulette wheel, or symbols on the reels slots is not random, but depends on their zeal and affection for the game.
  • They usually have a lot of prejudice associated with gambling. They use talismans, happy or unhappy items of clothing, choose certain dealers, gestures, phrases, place in the hall, calculate lucky days and so on. They think that this should help to achieve the desired result.
  • Gamblers may also believe that outcome of the game depends on their attitude and train of thought. Many of them consider themselves to something special and think that luck should reward them for it.
  • They may have an unhealthy attachment to the various systems of bets, believing that they help to overcome the casino's advantage.
  • Also game addicts tend to forget about their losses, but remember each win very well and love to talk about them.
  • In many cases, they endow inanimate objects involved in the gameplay with human characteristics. Hence they have a belief that, for example, the cards can reward or punish them. Often you can hear from players such phrases as "the Deuce can not hurt, it will not reset" and the like.
  • Gamblers also like to talk about when they "almost won", believing that this speaks in favor of their positive achievements. Consequently, they can not really evaluate a picture of their wins and losses. Moreover, it spurs them to continue the game, because the success was so close. Such cases stimulate the desire to play more than real winnings.
  • All gamblers firmly believe that the money they lost are not lost forever, and they will return them in further games. They believe that after a series of setback is a turning point.

Similar patterns of perception of reality leads to the formation of any type of addiction.


We should note that not all experts are unanimous about gaming addiction and assign it the status of one of the disorder forms. It is only obvious that without proper culture of the game, it becomes a very serious social problem.


If you found signs of gambling addiction in yourself, you should seek help of specialists. You can also us help of the international public organization "Gamblers Anonymous International", represented worldwide.

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