
How to Win with the Help of Electricity

Racing horse and a rider

We have already described several scams. Each of them was, in a way, unique and not like others. Now we will talk about cheating outside a casino's walls.

Racetrack Cheaters

It's about horse racing. What, in your opinion, is the probability of guessing which of the horses comes to the finish line first? Doubtless, bettors always watch the horses and can safely say which one is stronger than the others. But no one can be 100% sure which horse will win.

There are many people who participate in almost all major horseracing tournaments and earn a lot of money.

They are not those who own the horses. They win on bets. These bets are pretty high, and the loss can badly affect the person's financial situation. That's why you need to know which horse comes first in advance.

Samy Mesereau's Story

This is what Samy Mesereau was working on.

  • He was riding a horse himself, and his partner made a bet on the horse.
  • Samy used a taser to rush the horse when the finish was close.
  • The device was hidden under the horse's saddle, and when the rider turned it on, the horse significantly increased its speed.

This was a foolish and dangerous stunt since it was very likely that the horse would begin to gallop on the side or even go in a different direction. Thus, the team was exposed to a greater risk of losing. Despite the complexity of this trick, Sammy was not a rich man.

The main part of the income went to the person who made the bet.

This cheating was first done in 1969 in Sydney.

End of Story

The cheating was exposed pretty soon. Something they were so afraid of has happened. The horse became inadequate to respond to shocks. The horse has not only dramatically changed its behavior but also dropped Sam.

The device with a battery struck the horse with twenty volts and was found under the saddle. In the end, Sam could not get even a little extra cash. Although he risked his life, he still couldn't earn a lot.

Frequently asked Questions

🐴 Is it legal to stimulate a racing horse with electricity?

Of course, not. It is a violation of the rules on all racetracks.

🐎 How often do jockeys use fraudulent tricks?

Unfortunately, many horse riders use unfair tricks.

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