
Blackjack Card Counting Mistakes

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Casino Security Service Vs. Card Counters

Pit bosses often can easily recognize card counters in blackjack, especially beginners. The reason is that they give have typical characteristic behavior and actions. Let's look at some of them because it is much more pleasant and more efficient to learn from the mistakes of others rather than on your own.

We assume that you know the basic strategy and play according to it. Only in this case, it makes sense to use any card-counting system. You need to convince all casino employees that you are a regular player, who does not violate the rules.

First, you should learn the basic strategy and the card counting system. In other words, your actions should not look hard. Everything should be easy and natural as if you came just to enjoy the process of the game and have a good time.

This is possible only after a long practice at home. Take a pack and scroll card after analyzing the costs. This is a helpful exercise for all beginners and experienced players.

Card counting should become a habit and be fixed in subconsciousness. This allows you to combine it with conversations with other players, dealers, and waitresses. You can safely drink coffee, smoke and at the same time play effectively.

If card counting is not easy for you, it will be evident because of many signs, such as:

  • movement of your lips,
  • slow responses,
  • reluctance to communicate with other visitors or casino personnel.

There is a practice of keeping count with the help of chips or other improvised means, but it is not worth it because it gives you away. Everything should be in your mind and nowhere else.

Never Boast of Your Card Counting Skills

"Vanity is my favorite smell," said the Devil in a famous movie. Do not forget about it. Do not boast about your skills. But do not try to look like a complete simpleton, either. Casino managers are usually familiar with the basic blackjack strategy and never believe a person who does not know how to play well. Let them know you are a skilled player but do not let them guess that you count cards.

Card counters often attract attention through a sharp increase in bets in a successful scenario.

Do not be greedy, even if the count has suddenly become very profitable for you. Increase bets slowly.

All card counters know the statistics of blackjack and the price for each win, so they skimp on the tip. Do not be greedy. After particularly successful hands, you can thank a dealer with a small amount. This is a characteristic of amateurs and not professionals, so that it may soothe casino security.

Also, do not hesitate to show your emotions. Let the winning look unexpected for you. Emphasize how you guessed it from the bet, and do not let anyone think it was natural.

master card counting

Always Play Consistently

It will not go unnoticed, and you will attract attention. Do not give in to provocations like "blind" cards. Pretend that you do not care. Just make the conclusions and decide whether to visit this casino in the future.

If in any casino, the game is good for you, occasionally, you can lose a little or at least go "with it." But in any case, using the hospitality of the same casino for a long time is unnecessary.


We hope that these tips will help you to play and win successfully.

Frequently asked Questions

👍 Should I learn to count cards in blackjack?

Card counting will help you beat the house if you play at offline casinos. At online casinos, it is useless. There are rare games where it can be helpful, but not that much.

😢 Does card counting guarantee beating the casino?

No, it does not. Card counting increases your odds of winning. It may help you get an advantage over the casino, but it does not guarantee that you win every time.

👨‍💼 Can I count cards in online blackjack at live casinos?

Theoretically, you cat try counting cards in live blackjack, but it is not very helpful in online casinos with real dealers. The reasons are explained on Casinoz.

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