
Blackjack Players' Psychology

tips for casino players

As you may know, blackjack equals players' and casino's chances like no other game. Moreover, you can gain an advantage over the casino and get a stable positive result if you skillfully use specific techniques. However, it is not enough to follow a particular strategy and even count cards according to one of the systems. 

An essential aspect of success is the psychology of the player. Even experienced masters have certain beliefs and complexes, which may take precedence over the discipline and prevent them from compelling gameplay.

Frailty, psychological complexes, and other nuances significantly complicate the game and reduce the chances of winning.

Let's look at the most common situations faced by all blackjack players without exception. Remember how you behave in such cases. Think and make conclusions if you have such behavior. Maybe you need to change something dramatically. Bad habits and the inability to resist psychological complexes can be a real obstacle to regular wins.

Playing under Pressure

This is the worst of everything. If you know what you need to win at any cost, for example, to return a debt, it is unlikely that you will be able to think clearly. Subconsciously you will take only the most prudent decisions, doubt the authenticity of the various rules of the basic strategy, make stupid mistakes, etc.

Any pressure, phobias, fears, and other discomforts directly affect the quality of your game.

Psychological pressure in blackjack

Try to calm down at any cost, but avoid alcohol, drugs, and medicines. They will not bring clarity of thought. Even if you have an angry creditor standing behind and demanding money back today, detach from this situation and play strictly according to the basic strategy, operating the bets and card counting, if you practice it. Thus, you have the best chance to get up from the table with a win.

It would be quite wrong to trust the fortune, inflate bets and play risky in this state.

Yes, history is littered with cases when people won back this way. But if you follow their fate, it is unlikely anyone wants to repeat that. After winning a couple of times, they all became adherents of risk and instant win that ruined them.

Bad Luck Streaks

Even playing strictly according to all recommendations, you can suffer several failures from time to time. Knowing which card will come next is impossible for any fair casino player. You must initially understand it so you do not lose your head or panic.

Bad luck in blackjack

An experienced player knows he must stay calm in case of bad luck to avoid additional problems.

He knows that this is a temporary difficulty, so he follows the strategy and doesn't allow himself to take risks.

Also, the more perfect your game becomes, the fewer nasty streaks will happen to you in the future.


Blackjack is quite a conservative game. The most profitable varieties are well-known to experienced users. The most efficient strategies and techniques are no secret anymore either. However, it doesn't mean you should always act the same way.

  • Don't play in the same casino all the time.
  • Try the techniques of other pro players.
  • Try to look at the problem from a new angle.

In other words, improvise! But remember, math is much more critical in blackjack than a fortune!


Not to be confused with self-confidence. Even if you think you know all the little details of the game, it does not ensure you from losing by 100%.

Professional casino managers may deprive you of the ability to effectively use all your knowledge.

And if you can not count cards, use tracking, sequencing, and other tricks, the game result will largely depend on good luck.

Piles of chips and 2 aces

So, realize that you are not almighty. This will allow you to avoid indiscretion, which often leads to a complete collapse.


Never let these players' rivals overwhelm you. Your psychological balance should not be affected by anything. Neither it is the dealer's mistake nor drunk partners at the table, the success of the beginners who have not even heard anything about the basic strategy but still win and give you advice.

Blackjack dealer reveals his cards

Yes, sometimes you want to blame someone else for failures or vent your rage on someone. But remember:

You can be intentionally annoyed to force you to make mistakes and lose.

All these side factors should not bother you. If you can't focus, temporarily stop playing. Playing during such an emotional state is dangerous. Despair, irritability, and rage are all enemies of the player.

Unwillingness to Learn

Many professional blackjack players stop too early. They stop as soon as they have learned the basic strategy, understood how to practice it in particular situations, and mastered a couple of additional techniques.

  • Some of them think they have enough knowledge.
  • Others don't believe more efficient methods even exist.
  • Others are just lazy.

This is an unforgivable mistake. No matter how long you play blackjack, there is always something to learn. Look through the new card counting systems, read thematic forums, and refine your skills. In other words, never stop.


We have already agreed always to follow the basic strategy and refrain from your improvisations. Superstitions cause even more significant harm. It not only looks funny but also destroys all chances of a player to win.

Lucky amulet and cash

If the primary criterion for you is a mathematical calculation, drop all possible prejudices.

Even the most harmless of them have a psychological impact on certain players and force them to commit stupid mistakes.

Listen to these recommendations, analyze your behavior, and make adjustments if necessary – and the quality of your game will significantly improve.


Can you call yourself a blackjack pro? How often do you play blackjack for money? Which casinos do you prefer?

Let's discuss it in the comments. Ask questions about blackjack, share your experience and tell us about your wins. Beginners are recommended to read our articles and strategy reviews.

Frequently asked Questions

😎 Is psychology important for a blackjack player?

Absolutely. A professional player must be able to control himself in any situation.

🧐 What can prevent you from playing blackjack correctly?

Debts, superstitions, anger, tiredness – the list of negative factors is too long.

👨‍💼 How can I learn self-control in blackjack?

Read educational articles at Casinoz. Experienced players share their tips.

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