
Rookie Mistakes in Blackjack

Let's talk about the wrong and most dangerous for you to bankroll blackjack concepts. Few players can make no mistakes playing blackjack. Even experienced masters act foolish sometimes.

However, some mistakes are much worse than others. The difference between the incorrect card counting during a single deal and the constant split of fives is huge.

While the first case can cost you a loss of a certain amount, the second one significantly increases the house edge. Therefore, we will discuss these mistakes that cost the players too much.

We have discussed the basic strategy so many times that it seems all players, without exception, should use it. Unfortunately, this is not so. Simple guidelines may sound too dry and unconvincing for beginners, so we'll consider some items in more detail. After all, non-compliance affects the result too severely.

A beginner plays blackjack in the first time

Fear of Busting

Many blackjack rookies choose to ignore professional players' advice and always stand even on 12 as soon as they have a chance of busting. Often they do not pay attention to the dealer's card. They explain their decision as they instead the dealer bust.

  • You can stand on 12 only when the dealer has fragile cards.
  • It can be done a little more often on 13 or 15, but not all the time.
  • It is pointless to do so if the dealer has revealed an ace, 10, or 9.

In general, we always recommend using the basic strategy proven by millions of players.

Ignoring Surrender

Unwilling to lose half of your bet immediately leads to a complete loss. However, this rule is one of the most profitable for the player.

The surrender is so profitable for players that most casinos limit or even prohibit this rule.

You must admit, this is no accident. Therefore, by abandoning Surrender in all cases, you are depriving yourself of a powerful weapon.

Denying to Double

It is another rule that helps the player a lot. Learn all recommendations on this issue. They are set out in detail in any version of the basic strategy.

Ignoring Double is unacceptable.

Split of Strong Cards

Never, under any circumstances, do not split two fives. You have a strong ten that splits into two very unfavorable five and a great chance to get a weak 13-15 on the second card.

Also, it's rarely recommended to split 10s. An exception may be a very high positive score if you count cards and weak dealers' cards. But even in that case, it can be unnecessary overkill.

Taking Insurance and Even money

This is a highly unfavorable tactic for a player that dealers always strongly suggest. Again it can be done only in those cases if you count cards and know that the vast majority of the remaining cards in the shoe are rated for "ten."

After splitting 10s, insurance is not recommended.

Even money has the same idea, so you should give it up.

Imitating the Dealer

Some players initially believe that it makes sense to act as the dealer. In particular, they take cards as he does. But this is absolute nonsense. Leave the mandatory hit to 17 to the dealer. He is obliged to do it by the rules. You have a greater variety of tools in your pocket, so use them.

Another common misconception among beginners is an attempt to count cards in online casinos. The idea of card counting is to determine the chances of having certain cards in the remaining decks or the shoe. At online casinos, all cards are shuffled (or generated) before each hand, so it is impossible to count anything. So leave this meaningless action.

It makes sense to count cards in rare varieties of online blackjack. For example, when it is played with one deck on several hands. In certain gaming situations, card counting could be of help here.

Finally, we advise you never to play blackjack in the casino, where the dealer continues to hit on soft 17. It lowers your advantage, so it is better to deny the services of this casino.


Of course, these are just some comments on a vast list. However, experience has shown that players who start their blackjack careers often make these mistakes. We hope these tips will be helpful to you or at least convince you to resort to the basic strategy and improve your theoretical knowledge.

Remember that if you want to win at blackjack, it should be considered a science, not a pleasant way to spend time.

Can you professionally play blackjack? Do you have card counting skills and practice advanced techniques? Share your experience with other readers. They will be grateful to you.

 In online blackjack Premier blackjack player wins

Frequently asked Questions

⛔ Should I split fives in blackjack?

It's a silly action that turns a strong ten into two weak hands with fives.

👌 Should I surrender?

Always surrender in the situations recommended by the basic strategy.

🤚 Should I count the cards playing online blackjack?

In most cases, card counting doesn't make sense at online casinos. However, it might help in particular games.

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