
Splitting Aces and Eights in Blackjack


Remember once and for all: the blackjack basic strategy recommends splitting eights and aces. You may consider this one of the "golden" rules. It is known to everyone who is more or less seriously interested in blackjack.

Yet, some players believe splitting is unjustified when the dealer has a high card. Let's see if they're right.

Best Online Casinos to Play Blackjack for Money

Many online casinos offer dozens of blackjack variations developed by famous and lesser-known software providers. Consider the rules, RTP, betting range, and other indicators when choosing a game.

The blackjack reviews on Casinoz provide all the necessary information for players. They also allow you to test blackjack games for free.

You can play for real money in the online casinos listed below. They all have good customer reviews.

Two Eights in Blackjack

We will begin with the split of eights. Many believe there is no point in doing it at nine, ten, or the dealer's ace. They explain it as follows:

In such situations, the dealer wins more often than the client, so it makes no sense to increase the bet twice.

But this view is wrong, and now you can see why.

All basic strategy tips for blackjack, one of which is splitting eights, are aimed to increase the payoff at a favorable for a client scenario and reduce the loss in the hand when the advantage is on the side of the casino. Split is recommended only in cases where it helps to win more or lose less on a long stretch.

table of the basic blackjack strategy

Two eights against nines, tens, or aces dealer is an unfavorable situation, so you need to make a decision that will reduce your loss. If you take another card, your loss will be about $52 for every $100 bet (in other words, the probability of loss is equal to 76%).

By splitting sixteen into two hands with eight on each, you double your bet but lose an average of about $43 at a $100 bet (the probability of loss is 71.5%). It's also wrong, but you can save nine dollars. Therefore, it is better to play on two boxes with eight on each than with sixteen points on the one hand.

Now you know why you should always split eights, no matter what the partners on the table, the dealer, or your inner voice says.

Two Aces in Blackjack

Splitting aces is much easier, even for those who have never heard of the basic strategy. Yet sometimes, some players prefer hitting another card to two aces. It comes from newbies afraid to bet on more than one hand.

But it is a very foolish tactic. Aces should be always spitted.

Do not be confused by restrictions such as the prohibition of re-splitting, renting one card to each newly formed hand, and the inability to have blackjack manners. In any case, splitting aces into two hands significantly increases winning on a long stretch.

If the casino rules allow re-splitting aces, it reduces the house edge to 0.06%. Do you think it is a minor improvement? But just like crumbs can beat casinos in blackjack.

A Few More Words on Splitting in BJ

Splitting aces will help you win more. Splitting eights helps to reduce losses.

And then both are very important for a successful game of blackjack. Do not forget about it.

Here are some general tips on how to play blackjack correctly and increase your chances of beating the casino in this gambling game:

  • Not all blackjack variations offer equal winning chances. Learn to identify patterns with maximum RTP.
  • The basic strategy needs to be adjusted according to the rules of each specific blackjack variation.
  • Most side bets in blackjack have a high house edge.
  • Unique versions of this gambling game also rarely offer genuinely advantageous conditions.

Once again, we would like to remind readers:

Counting cards in online blackjack games that use random number generators is pointless (there may be exceptions, but they are rare!).

Study special articles about blackjack on Casinoz to improve your game and achieve more success at the card table.

Deviate from the optimal strategy only if you have substantial reasons: a high or low count, a tournament situation, etc. In all other cases, play strictly according to the strategy without relying on intuition, luck, talismans, or other irrelevant factors.

Share your opinions on the topic in the comments. Do you possess basic skills in professional blackjack play? How often do you play blackjack?

Frequently asked Questions

👍 Should I split aces in blackjack?

The basic strategy recommends splitting aces. Exceptions are possible if you are counting cards in land-based casinos. Read about them on Casinoz.

👌 Should I split eights in blackjack?

Sixteen points are a poor hand for the player. That is why experts recommend splitting eights. 

🙋‍♀️ Should I master card counting in blackjack in 2025?

Card counting is a very efficient technique if you play blackjack in brick-and-mortar casinos. On websites, it is practically useless, with rare exceptions.

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