
Uncommon Blackjack Rules

We play blackjack according to unusual rules king worms and ace peaks on hands

In this article, we review the unclassical rules of blackjack in different casinos. Usually, the majority of standard deviations are beneficial for the player and introduced to attract new customers. Typically these variations are offered in virtual casinos. Counting cards in blackjack is impossible in the online casino because each game round starts with a whole shoe. In land-based casinos, counters minimize the house edge or even get an advantage over the club.

However, it is not always so, and in some casinos, you can find rules that increase the mathematical advantage. We will list them.

Blackjack Rules Beneficial to Players

We will start describing these rules from the rule when the dealer sets on all seventeen points, it is possible to do double after split, and the game has no less than six decks.

All versions of the rules are considered almost impossible, mainly because they are constantly developed. Therefore, we will review the most common ones you can easily find in many online casinos, along with the classic blackjack.

Natural Blackjack Payout is 2:1

In classic blackjack, a natural blackjack is paid out at 3:2, and only side bets are sometimes paid out at 2:1. Some casinos change the rules and pay 2:1 for any blackjack.

This is advantageous for the players as it reduces the house edge by 2.25%.

This rule is often available when there are other variations from the classics that are not in favor of players.

Player Wins on 21

By this rule, the player wins immediately, having 21. The dealer deals cards only if the game continues on other hands. This option adds around 0.55% to the player's odds of winning.

Three Sevens Rule

Many casinos are not indifferent to the combination of three sevens and try to attach all sorts of bonuses and prizes to it. The blackjack was not left aside.

  • There are versions of the game where 21 made of three sevens is paid out at 2:1 or even 3:1.
  • A bottle of champagne is often added as a bonus.
  • In Russian casinos, a set of three sevens could mean winning expensive prizes. For example, in a Syktyvkar casino in the middle of the 2000s, there was a campaign when a player with the three sevens of hearts won a car. 

Such rules increase the chances of winning by about 0.03% at 2:1 and 0.05% at 3:1.

Player's Five Cards Rule

By this rule, a player having five cards and not exceeding twenty-one wins immediately. The dealer continues dealing cards only if there are other hands in-game.

The rule reduces the house edge by 1.45%.

By introducing this rule, the casino usually relies on inexperienced players who often try getting a five-card set contradicting the basic strategy. Keep this in mind and never hit the fifth card if the basic strategy recommends standing.

Take the five-card rule as a bonus but do not deviate from the strategy. Also, note that such divergence is usually not valid for a dealer, and he continues the set according to the classical rules.

Player's Six Cards Rule

It works the same way as the previous rule, only with six cards. The player's chances of winning are increased by 0.16%.

Player's Seven Cards Rule

Here is the same principle, but for seven cards. It gives almost nothing to a player adding only 0.01% to the RTP.

Blackjack Rules Beneficial to Casinos

Below, we will tell you about unique rules increasing the house edge. Usually, they are mentioned with bonus rules but are beneficial to the casino. Blackjack may be paid out at 2:1, but do not hurry to be seduced by such nuance and check whether the dealer stays on soft seventeen or the casino wins every time the points are equal. With these tricks, casinos can mask rules entirely unfavorable for the player.

So if you see some unique nuances in blackjack rules, find out how they affect the house edge and calculate whether you should play at this table.

Thus, we consider the most famous blackjack rule variations advantageous for the casino.

Dealer Hitting on Soft 17

It s the most famous variation giving the casino advantage of over 0.22%. If there are no other deviations from the classics balancing the player's chances of winning, avoid playing at these tables.

No Splitting Aces

It reduces the player's advantage by 0.18% and generally has a negative psychological impact on inexperienced players. No one likes to see two tens on the hand with two aces when splitting is prohibited.

Natural Blackjack Pays out at 7:5, 6:5 or 1:1

It's a very disadvantageous rule for a player, reducing the odds of a successful outcome by 0.45%, 1.39%, and 2.27%, respectively. Playing such a blackjack is the same as merely giving money to the casino.

Dealer Wins When Tying the Player's Hand

The sheer audacity on the part of the casino is meant for amateurs or addictive blackjack fans who have nowhere else to play.

  • If the dealer wins only on the tie with 17s, the house edge increases by 1.87%.
  • If the player loses on any tie, the chances of winning are reduced by 8.85 %.

Never play such a blackjack.

Neutral Blackjack Rules

There are also neutral rules that give no advantage to players or casinos but merely act as advertising or a way of diversifying the gameplay. For example, it may be a rule when a croupier stands on any number of points if he has six cards. It practically does not affect the house edge.


Casinoz recommends you study the rules and look for options beneficial for you. Some deviations from the classical rules give the player or the casino a considerable advantage. 

Playing blackjack croupier takes bets

Frequently asked Questions

🧾 Do all blackjack types in New Zealand have the same rules?

The basic rules are practically the same, but there are numerous nuances increasing or lowering the house edge. 

📃 Are all unique blackjack rules beneficial for New Zealand players?

Of course, not. Many uncommon blackjack rules increase the house edge immensely.

📰 How can I find out whether an irregular blackjack rule is good for me?

Casinoz experts have written numerous articles on blackjack. They will teach you what rules to look for.

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