
Best FuGaSo Casinos in New Zealand

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by Riobet Casino
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expert 9
Denis Anipchenko
Expert opinion

Design in style of neon signs is pretty popular in the world of online gambling already for a long time. Many developers release gambling games designed in this style time after time. Most often they are video slots, but sometimes they make an exception. For example, Fugaso company has presented «Neon Blackjack» model. Rules and all features of this game are carefully described in the following review.

Type of game Blackjack
Manufacturer FuGaSo
Max bet 20
RTP 99.59%
Issue date 15.11.2017

Where to Play?

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You can test «Neon Blackjack» free at our website. Real bets are accepted at the online casinos listed below the article. They work with Fugaso and offer games of this brand.
Please write responses about «Neon Blackjack», score the model, share your experience and ask questions in comments.

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How to Play Neon Blackjack (FuGaSo)

«Neon Blackjack» is American variety with one standard deck of fifty two cards without jokers. All cards are shuffled before each deal necessarily.
Bets in range from twenty cents to twenty dollars are accepted only on one box.
The game offers standard basic blackjack rules, described in one of the articles at
Casino’s customer must win the croupier by making higher score, but never exceeding twenty one. Moreover, it is possible to win a payoff on dealer’s overtake, by insurance and in some other cases.
Let’s discuss particular rules of «Neon Blackjack».
  • The dealer deals two cards to himself and reveals one of them.
  • In case of an ace on croupier’s hand, he checks for blackjack.
  • If the dealer has a blackjack, he doesn't deal other cards to player.
  • The dealer must stand on hard seventeen and hit on soft seventeen.
  • In case of an ace on croupier’s hand, the player can place an insurance of blackjack.
  • If the player has a blackjack and the dealer has an ace, it is possible to take even money.
  • Split is possible, but only once.
  • Split of different cards of ten points value is possible.
  • Dealer deals by one card to each of split aces.
  • After split of aces, player can’t have a blackjack.
  • Double is allowed on two starting cards with ten or eleven score.
  • There is no surrender here.
«Neon Blackjack» makes payoffs in following way:
  1. Regular win – 1:1;
  2. Blackjack – 3:2;
  3. Insurance – 2:1;
  4. Even money – 1:1.
Moreover, «Neon Blackjack» offers a gambling feature. You can play it even when the bet was returned or in case of dead heat. This round is designed in style of «guess a color of a card», more typical for video slots. To double up the bet, you have to guess the color. Any mistake means you lose the current bet. It is possible to play up to five times in a row.

Bonus games

Prize payoffs and bonus rounds are not available in «Neon Blackjack».


Fugaso draws three progressive jackpots on «Neon Blackjack»:
  1. Mini – 2% of all bets;
  2. Midi – 1.5% of all bets;
  3. Maxi – 1% of all bets.
These progressive jackpots are same for all models by Fugaso. To win one of them, you just need to play for real money. There are no advanced terms. Winner is selected by random number generator.


Images of coins of different value and windows with important information are always at the screen:
  • Balance – state of the balance;
  • Win – an amount of last payout;
  • Bet – an amount of the bet. 
Controlling buttons can switch depending on situation:
  • Deal – start new deal;
  • Rebet – repeat the bet;
  • New Bet – place new bet;
  • Stand – stop taking cards;
  • Hit – take one more card;
  • Double – make double;
  • Split – split the cards;
  • Collect – collect the payoff;
  • Gamble – play gambling feature.
Sound parameters, size of the screen and speed of the gameplay can be adjusted at the right top corner of the screen.
«I» opens the rules explained at multiply pages. Statistics is available in real money mode.
Current amounts of jackpots are demonstrated at horizontal panel, which appears at top part of the screen between the deals.
You can play «Neon Blackjack» in browser. It is also possible to play on smartphone using mobile version.

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Should You Play for Real Money in New Zealand?

It is an interesting model of American blackjack with bright design, special features and convenient interface. If you are not a desperate fun of classic gambling games, you should definitely test it.
The developer states, it is possible to reduce casino’s advantage to 0.41% playing «Neon Blackjack» by optimal strategy. Recommendations about how to play blackjack for best results, can be found in experts’ articles at
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